Rupturing the Racial Wealth Gap Recap
On Feb. 28, we hosted Rupturing the Racial Wealth Gap, with Denisse Pachuca from BMO Zero Barriers to Business. Check out the recording featuring three amazing panelists leading wealth-building initiatives in our Minnesota communities.
We asked our panelists and host to share resources they see rupturing this gap, and ways to get involved yourself.
- Status of Women and Girls+ – Produced by WFM and the Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy at the Humphrey School, find more research referenced in the panel in this survey of economics, safety, health, and leadership data for women, girls, and gender-expansive people in Minnesota.
- For a quick snapshot, check out the Executive Summary
- BMO Zero Barriers to Business – increasing the accessibility of loans, resources, and networking opportunities.
- Neighborhood Development Center (NDC) – Led by panelist Renay Dossman, NDC leads entrepreneur training, business loans and services, as well as incubators and real estate assistance.
- Minnesota Business Coalition for Racial Equity – Led by panelist Tiffani Daniels, look for their allyship toolkit or become a member of the coalition!
- Black Women’s Wealth Alliance (BWWA) – Led by CEO and founder Kenya McKnight-Ahad, BWWA is currently rebranding their site, be sure to sign up for the newsletter to stay involved!
- She Works Hard for the Money – The legendary Donna Summer graced our ears as guests arrived in the session. If you need a pick me up, some inspiration, or just a reminder that a dance break in the middle of your day is more than just OK – put this song on! Both the song, and the video are timeless!
If you’re looking for more ways you can rupture the racial wealth gap, please consider supporting the Women’s Foundation and the organizations you heard from today!
- Support the organizations led by our panelists. Donate, collaborate, follow, and support their policy agendas to accelerate investment in wealth creation for Black women and women of color, like the MN Promise Act and the Crown Act
- You can donate to support our investments in Economic Justice, from girlsBEST to We Thrive, which funds education in high-wage fields and NDC’s investment in women of color entrepreneurs.
- Consider opening a donor advised fund (DAF) and take your philanthropy further with collective impact by contacting Polina Montes de Oca.