WFM Grantee-Partners
Funding Systems Change
We fund community-led programs, research & listening, policy advocacy, convening, and narrative change to change systems and remove barriers to gender and racial justice.
2023 Grantee-Partners
In fiscal year 2023 (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023), the Women’s Foundation awarded $2,388,067 in grants to community-based organizations leading solutions across Minnesota for gender and racial justice.
See All FY23 Grantee-Partners by Fund
View the map of all current statewide Grantee-Partners
2022 Grantee-Partners
In fiscal year 2022 (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022) WFMN has awarded $2,476,935 in grants to community-based organizations leading solutions across Minnesota to create a world of equal opportunity for and with women and girls.
See All FY22 Grantee-Partners by Fund
View the FY22 Grantee-Partner Map
2021 Grantee-Partners
In fiscal year 2021 (April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021) WFMN has awarded $3,052,829 in grants to community-based organizations leading solutions across Minnesota to create a world of equal opportunity for and with women and girls.
2020 Grantee-Partners
In fiscal year 2020 (April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020) WFMN has awarded $1,995,054 in grants to community-based organizations leading solutions across Minnesota to create a world of equal opportunity for and with women and girls.
Access Philanthropy Charities
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Advocates for Reproductive Education
Community Response Fund
Ain Dah Yung Center
St. Paul
WFMN Fund for Safety
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
St. Paul
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA)
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Asian Women United Minnesota (AWUMN)
To build organizational capacity as AWUMN evolves services during the COVID-19 pandemic by adapting their programming to spread awareness about the dynamics of domestic violence with a specific focus on the Asian immigrant and refugee experience. Asian Women United Minnesota is a leader in eliminating domestic violence in Asian and Pacific Islander communities through harnessing the strengths that are indigenous to Asian communities and sharing best practices with other community-based organizations.
WFMN Fund for Safety
To provide horseback riding experiences for low-income youth, ages 11 to 18, to engage their interest, provide motivation, and build competence. Bagosendaan builds self-esteem and promotes leadership among youth as they mature into successful adults by using talking circles, counselors, guest speakers, and horseback riding.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To support Jóvenes Latinas al Poder which provides tools and opportunities to Latina teen girls and femme-identifying youth to exercise their leadership and collective power to advocate for justice, inclusion, and equity. Centro Tyrone Guzman helps Latina girls 5 gain confidence in their ability to lead and advocate through self-confidence building, establishing professional networks, and preparing them for post-secondary education and career success.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Change Starts With Community
To support a gender-based violence prevention summer camp including field trips, mentorship, sex education, and life skill lessons 3 for Black, Indigenous, and girls of color in Minneapolis and Hennepin County communities. Change Starts with Community is a public health, gender-based violence prevention program through health, wealth, and social changes for women and girls in the City of Minneapolis.
Community Response Fund
Chinese American Chamber of Commerce
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Coalition of Asian American Leaders
St. Paul
Community Response Fund
Committee Against Domestic Abuse
WFMN Fund for Safety
Community Initiatives (fiscal sponsor of Radical Monarchs Twin Cities)
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio, Inc. (CLUES)
St. Paul
To fund a leadership retreat for youth participants in the YA! and Entre Mujeres (“Between Women”) programs, both of which build power with Latinx youth from low-income households through activities including mentoring, leadership development, college access services, and safe and culturally anchored spaces for growth. CLUES connects individuals and families with services, resources, skills, institutions, and systems and creates an environment for people to be engaged and empowered.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
WFMN Fund for Safety
Dakota Wicohan
To provide the Dakota Wicohan’s Dakota Itancanpi Kte Unkihduwiyayapi /Dakota Youth Leadership Program, the only year-round out-of-school youth program in the Lower Sioux area. Dakota Wicohan empowers Dakota youth and prepares them as culture bearers, positively connects them to their community, and grounds them in their Dakota culture to help them on a path to contribute to their community academically, economically, socially, and culturally.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
discapacitados abriendose caminos (dac)
South St. Paul
To continue programming for young girls and women, ages 14 to 24, who assist and support their families with knowledge to navigate systems, be economically stable, and improve the quality of life for family members with disabilities. dac works with family members of people who have a disability or critical health need, from newborns to elders.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Division of Indian Work
To support the delivery of the Live It! Teen Pregnancy Prevention Curriculum, a holistic, Indigenous program, through a train-the-trainer model. Division of Indian Work’s supports and strengthens urban American Indian people through culturally based education, traditional healing approaches, and leadership development.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Dress for Success Twin Cities
St. Paul
To support the need for responsive online and mobile programming, which include individual skill building through the emPowerU curriculum, job search support, business attire provision, employer engagement through the IDEA Coalition, and stipends for the ULead pilot program in which participants gain job skills coordinating emPowerU activities.
Community Response Fund
Esperanza United
St. Paul
To support Casa de Esperanza’s Fuerza Unida Amig@s program and to continue adapting and evolving community-based work through a mix of virtual adult and youth 8 programs, and engaging in community learning through topical podcasts, webinars, and community connection drop-in calls. Casa de Esperanza mobilizes Latinas and Latin@ communities to end domestic violence.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Family Safety Network
WFMN Fund for Safety
Family Tree Clinic
St. Paul
To deliver comprehensive sex education in Twin Cities Metro area schools with the goal of positively influencing sexual health outcomes among teens. Family Tree Clinic cultivates a healthy community through comprehensive sexual healthcare and education.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Gender Justice
St. Paul
To resource community-informed advocacy in the courts and at the Capitol to preserve and expand on Minnesota’s legal, health, safety, and economic advances and protections for women and LGBTQ+ individuals. Gender Justice envisions a world in which all people can thrive regardless of their gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation.
Community Response Fund
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
St. Paul
To provide girls with knowledge and skills in the areas of STEM, financial literacy, and college- and career-readiness, as well as physical health and safety, mental health, and healthy relationships, while supporting families with additional financial assistance due to the continuing impacts of COVID-19. Girl Scouts’ ConnectZ is designed for girls from underserved communities with limited volunteer capacity, including communities of color, low-income communities, and immigrant communities.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Global Rights for Women (GRW)
To support the Pathways to Family Peace program, the first in the nation providing remote violence intervention to domestic violence offenders. This grant will also fund GRW’s efforts to improve the long-term safety of victim survivors by improving the Minneapolis Police Department’s response to domestic violence calls.
Community Response Fund
Her Purpose
To seed work and help young women of diverse communities, ages of 16 to 25, who struggle with mental, physical, emotional health and substance use. Her Purpose will provide holistic programming for healing and help girls and young women build safety, self-esteem, and connections with caring adults.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Hmong American Partnership
St. Paul
To enable the Nthxais Hmoob Career Program (NHCP), modeled after a Learn & Earn framework, which combines career counseling, wraparound support services, individualized service plans, and connections to employers to support Hmong and Karen girls, ages 14 to 18. HAP empowers refugee and immigrant communities in the Twin Cities metropolitan area.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Hnub Tshiab: Hmong Women Achieving Together
St. Paul
To run the Girls Enterprise Zone (EZ), a social, entrepreneurial, and workforce development program that uses teaching and hands-on work experience with Hmong girls, ages 13 to 18, to explore, create, and market their own products for sale. Hnub Tshiab is a catalyst for lasting social, cultural, and institutional change to improve the lives of Hmong women.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Hope Community
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Liberty Community Church, PCUSA
To serve participants of the Northside Healing Space by providing programming and tools through a culturally relevant and strengths-based approach. Liberty practices radical hope through the healing of racialized trauma, academic excellence, artistic expression, and innovative activism.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Liberty Community Church, PCUSA
To administer the 21st Century Academy, which equips K–12 scholars, particularly girls and young women, to be accelerated learners, game-changing global leaders, and justice-oriented entrepreneurs through academic support, enrichment, STEM learning, nutrition, and more. Liberty practices radical hope through the healing of racialized trauma, academic excellence, artistic expression, and innovative activism.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Men as Peacemakers
To support MAP’s programs to end gender-based violence through their Don’t Buy it Project, Girls Restorative Program, and Youth Restorative Justice programs. Men As Peacemakers helps Native girls and girls of color navigate an environment where sexual violence and exploitation has become normal.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Men as Peacemakers
To support girls of color as they build power to change the systems impacting youth and to normalize the power, influence, and leadership of girls of color. Men As Peacemakers helps Native girls and girls of color navigate an environment where sexual violence and exploitation has become normal.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
MIGIZI Communications, Inc.
To expand the service area and partnerships of the First Person Productions Media and Green Jobs Pathways programs to increase the presence of positive narratives, laws, policies, and behaviors for young American Indian women. MIGIZI Communications provides a strong circle of support that nurtures the educational, social, economic, and cultural development of American Indian youth.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Minnesota African Women’s Association (MAWA)
Brooklyn Center
To promote the health and well-being of African refugee and immigrant women and their families in the Twin Cities’ area through research, education, advocacy, and programming. MAWA’s programmatic core goals ensure community integration, positive development, educational sufficiency, and teen pregnancy prevention for Panand career achievement, economic self African girls.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition
St. Paul
To implement a Survivor Advisory Board and to conduct 100 culturally respectful interviews with survivors of sex trafficking via Zoom. Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition builds resources to create awareness of and eliminate sexual violence against Indian women and children.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Missions, Inc
To resource direct unrestricted financial assistance to victim-survivors at the Home Free Shelter, allowing staff to spend less time navigating the red tape involved in providing financial assistance and more time working with program participants to heal trauma and build resilience.
Community Response Fund
Our Justice
To foster a world developed by Black women where everyone, including young people, has the power and autonomy to decide if, when, and how they want to start or grow their families.
Community Response Fund
Outfront Minnesota Community Services
To train leaders of all ages to advocate to improve systems at schools and workplaces and to train organizations on best practices for inclusive and equitable environments that impact policies and their implementation. Additionally, funding supports OutFront’s Youth Leadership Council to organize the annual Youth Summit, engaging LGBTQ+ young people from across the state. OutFront Minnesota creates a state where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are free to be who they are, love who they love, and live without fear of violence, harassment, or discrimination.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Phumulani MN African Women Against Violence
To increase accessibility to Phumulani’s cultural tea ceremonies for African Immigrant women survivors of violence and to engage in a language-accessible sexual violence prevention campaign for all African languages that are represented in Minnesota. Phumulani provides culturally specific resources to women and girls of African descent to change the cycle of gender-based abuse in vulnerable populations.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Planned Parenthood North Central States
St. Paul
To support non-judgmental and affordable healthcare, culturally responsive education, and strategic advocacy efforts, especially the current financial and health crises disproportionately impacting Black, Indigenous, and people of color and communities with low incomes.
Community Response Fund
Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault
Project DIVA International
To support and serve Black girls age 12-18 from Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding suburban communities with an intensive one-year personal and professional development coaching program. Project DIVA International involves families and other members of the community to give girls role models of success and culturally significant experiences concerning their own heritage, self-worth, and empowerment.
Community Response Fund
Project DIVA International
To fund the Business Academy 369, a program designed to allow Black girls the freedom to determine a career or business while allowing them to connect with successful women in those fields to learn more. Project DIVA guides Black girls throughout the Twin Cities to make informed decisions as they transition into adulthood through a supportive coaching program focused on economic literacy and five other key focus areas of development.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Project FINE
To run the Girls Reaching Above and Beyond (GRAB) program, which supports and builds power with girls from refugee and immigrant families to help them discover their identities and create a road map to pursue their dreams. Project FINE strengthens and enriches the community by facilitating the integration of people who are ethnically diverse.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Range Engineering Council
To run #night programming, which invites high school girls to come to the Iron Range Engineering (IRE) campus to learn about opportunities in engineering careers by experiencing hands-on projects, interacting with female college engineering students, and attending workshops led by female engineers from the industry. The Range Engineering Council supports and facilitates educational activities across the Iron Range that promote awareness of and encourage participation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
St. Paul
To host the Queer & Trans Girls in Helping Professions group, which supports young people, ages 14 to 18, as they develop a group with therapeutic supports as well as career and professional development skill building. RECLAIM! works to increase access to mental health support so that queer and trans youth may reclaim their lives from oppression in all its forms.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Restoration for All
Inver Grove Heights
To fund the Future Solution Now (FUSON) project to equip, train and support 15 African immigrant and refugee girls, ages 12 to 18, in ethnic entrepreneurship. Through the program, girls become aware of economic opportunities while recognizing personal skills needed to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Restoration for All nurtures and empowers individuals, organizations, and communities to discover, renew, and restore their cultural connections with improved socio-cultural well-being.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Rice County Neighbors United
To recognize and support the all-volunteer staff at Vecinxs Unidxs to coordinate and provide online classes related to building financial stability, anti-racism, mindfulness, and first-time homeownership for the immigrant and Latinx community in Northfield, and to resource direct unrestricted financial support to families facing income loss due to COVID-19.
Community Response Fund
Ruth’s House of Hope, Inc.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Sisters In Christ Global
Coon Rapids
To fund Girl Fit—Transforming Lives through Movement, Mindset, and Mentorship Program, which works with girls, particularly Black, Indigenous, and girls of color, to transform negative emotions of pain and repressed traumas into positivity using fitness activities. Sisters In Christ Global works to achieve social equity and justice for women and girls.
Community Response Fund
St. Catherine University
St. Paul
To administer a mentorship program for girls and young women called Cross-generational Female Economist Mentorship (C-FEM) for girls and young women from area high schools, ages 14 to 18. The MCDE promotes and supports gender and racial diversity in economics at every stage of the educational and career pipeline, while leveraging its position at a women’s college to design, implement, and study interventions.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
St. Paul Youth Services
St. Paul
To continue supporting young Black women as they organize virtually and advocate for serious change on issues affecting their lives and growing digital engagement and storytelling while earning a living wage. St. Paul Youth Services improves our community’s collective ability to engage and support all youth by pioneering and sharing best practices.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
St. Paul Youth Services
St. Paul
To support the YouthPower Leadership Institute, a year-round, youth-designed leadership program where Black girls ages 13 to 18 come together to discover, celebrate, and exercise leadership. St. Paul Youth Services (SPYS) is a leader in reimagining how community engages with and holds itself accountable for youth.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Terebinth Refuge
Waite Park
WFMN Fund for Safety
The Advocates for Human Rights
Community Response Fund
The ANIKA Foundation
To support TEXTURE, a youth social enterprise program that teaches technical skills, provides wraparound support for soft skills, emotional, and spiritual development, and equips youth with financial wellness education to make sound personal and business decisions through their WE! program. The ANIKA Foundation promotes healthy equity, civic engagement, and economic empowerment.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
The Fields at Rootsprings
To support Black, Indigenous, and people of color who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community by providing a healing retreat space in the greater Minnesota area. The Fields at Rootsprings aims to nurture artistic and spiritual development especially for artists, activists, and healers through a foundation focused on building relationships between people and the land for healing.
Community Response Fund
The Firecracker Foundation
WFMN Fund for Safety
The Link
To reinforce the leadership capacity of women of color and/or LGBTQ+ women while building internal capacity of the organization and leadership to be more effective leaders in the anti-trafficking field. The Link works with youth and families to overcome the impacts of poverty and injustice.
WFMN Fund for Safety
The Link
To support the Career and Leadership Development program, which targets economic well-being, helping LGBTQ+ girls and young women of color to develop skills related to professionalism and the workplace, finance, and interpersonal abilities. The Link works with youth and families to overcome the impacts of poverty and injustice.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
The Power of the People Leadership Institute
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
The Power of the People Leadership Institute
Community Response Fund
The SEAD Project
To support the SEA Change Lab and its alumni network, building the next generation of Southeast Asian (SEA) leaders through arts and storytelling for SEA youth, ages 12 to 25. The SEAD Project is committed to providing culturally safe and conducive learning environments to build key career pathways using cultural identity and social empowerment.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
To support Crack the Code: Mentorship, a program that provides supportive networking and STEM-focused events and opportunities for girls in the Fargo-Moorhead area. uCodeGirl builds a support system for teen girls to be nurtured for STEM academic success and to support students’ pursuit of their academic and career aspirations.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
United Community Action Partnership
To support Generation Next, which works with girls, ages 12 to 18, to build awareness of gender inequities and cultural competency as a group and in their schools and local communities. United Community Action Partnership eliminates poverty by empowering individuals and strengthening communities.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Violence Intervention Projec, Inc.
Thief River Falls
For the youth-led advisory panel to recruit young women and youth ages 12 to 18 in their five-county service area to create awareness and develop strategies to reduce violence and exploitation in schools and communities and support young women to find and share their voices as they build their sense of agency and power through digital outreach. The Violence Intervention Project serves victims of domestic and sexual violence through crisis call response, emergency assistance, advocacy support, shelter, supervised visitation services, and other housing support.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Voices for Racial Justice
To resource the Bridge Women’s Circle as they transition from incarceration back to community, and to develop the organizing power of those most impacted by mass incarceration. The Women’s Circle is a BIPOC safe space for women affected by incarceration to gather, heal, access resources, build leadership skills, define solutions, and act for change.
Community Response Fund
Women of Nations
St. Paul
To support one of the nation’s only Native American non-reservation-based domestic violence and sexual assault shelters in providing and improving the hotel/motel program, which opened in response to the reduced capacity at the Eagles Nest Shelter during the pandemic.
Community Response Fund
YWCA St. Paul
St. Paul
To continue building leadership and advocacy skills with the Young Women’s Cabinet, which grounds the Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota in the lived experiences and expertise of young women and communities. The grant provides $15/hour payment to all 32 Cabinet members and strengthens engagement with the Young Women’s Initiative across the state. In total, the awards represent an investment of $451,500 through WFMN’s Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
African Career, Education, and Resource Inc. (ACER)
Brooklyn Park
To provide ongoing support to African and African American businesses in the Northwest suburbs who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. ACER works to uplift and amplify the African diaspora to build power for systemic change that advances racial and economic equity in communities.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Annex Teen Clinic
To provide short-term financial assistance to young women who are disproportionately responsible for intergenerational care, experiencing gender-based violence, and experiencing unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Annex Teen Clinic
To provide comprehensive sexuality education in Northwest Hennepin County. The Annex Teen Clinic helps young people take charge of their sexual health by providing confidential health services and education.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
The ANIKA Foundation
To support TEXTURE, a youth social enterprise that teaches technical skills, provides wraparound support for soft skills, emotional, and spiritual development, and equips youth with financial wellness education to make sound personal and business decisions through their WE! program. The ANIKA Foundation promotes healthy equity, civic engagement, and economic empowerment.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Anna Marie’s Alliance
St. Cloud
To provide services for victim-survivors of gender-based violence and critical short-term financial and basic needs support. Anna Marie’s Alliance provides a safe place for victim-survivors of domestic abuse and works toward systems change that reduces violence in Central Minnesota.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Asian American Organizing Project
St. Paul
Asian American Organizing Project (AAOP) holds the vision that Asian American individuals, families, organizations, and communities in Minnesota will affect long-term social change and take part in grassroots civic engagement and community organizing efforts, and approaches this work with a gender and reproductive justice lens.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Asian American Organizing Project (AAOP)
St. Paul
To create new conditions and sustainable organizational practices through investments in the health and wellbeing of staff, including a staff retreat, staff and youth leaders’ self-care, professional development, and investment in capacity.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Asian Women United Minnesota (AWUMN)
St. Paul
To build organizational capacity as AWUMN evolves services during the COVID-19 pandemic by adapting their programming to spread 5 awareness about the dynamics of domestic violence with a specific focus on the Asian immigrant and refugee experience.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Asian Media Access
To support Asian Girls Empowerment (AGE) Project, which trains Asian American girls in Asian dances and bicultural leadership to build cultural pride and enhance girls’ self-esteem and develop skills. Asian Media Access supports creative solutions for problems facing the Asian American & Pacific Islander community through education, production, information technology, and community organizing.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Asian American Organizing Project (AAOP)
St. Paul
To provide short-term emergency financial assistance to young members of the Asian community, a portion of which will be designated for girls, queer, and trans youth. AAOP advances Asian Americans’ and Pacific Islanders’ participation in democracy for an equitable and just society.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Asian Media Access
To coordinate information flow and e-counseling for a
mental health and culturally relevant healer hub, coordinate an Asian American Emergency Fund, and
provide essential items to Asian American families to support distance learning.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Ayada Leads
To add additional staff capacity and scale work in Metro and rural communities to engage women of the African diaspora in running for office. Funding supports strategic planning, program evaluation, and expanded accessibility of training resources.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Ayada Leads
To advocate for small business owners of the Karmel Mall who are experiencing difficulties in accessing government relief programs, and to support families struggling to implement distance learning.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Augsburg University—MN Urban Debate League
The mission of MN Urban Debate League (MNUDL) is to strengthen students through competitive academic debate to become 7 engaged learners, critical thinkers, and active global citizens who are effective advocates for themselves and their communities. The MNUDL will advance the Blueprint for Action through creating access for young women to higher paying jobs and developing young women’s leadership.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
To provide horseback riding experiences for low-income youth, ages 11 to 18, to engage their interest, provide motivation, and build competence. Bagosendaan builds self-esteem and promotes leadership among youth as they mature into successful adults by using talking circles, counselors, and guest speakers, and horseback riding.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Black Women’s Wealth Alliance, SBC
To provide short-term financial support to Black women in North Minneapolis for basic needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the first black woman-owned, specific public benefit corporation in Minnesota, they aim to cultivate strategies to create wealth and change lives.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Black Visions Collective
To support the Black Arts and Organizing cohort of the Black Visions Project, nine-month arts learning and grassroots organizing program for eight Black queer and trans youth, ages 18 to 24. Black Visions Collective is a Black-led, queer- and trans-centering organization whose mission is to organize powerful, connected Black communities and dismantle systems of violence.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Black Visions Collective
To create an Emergent Fund, which will provide shortterm financial assistance to Black young women, and Black queer and trans young people in Minnesota. Black Visions Collective believes in a future where all Black people have autonomy, safety is communityled, and people and communities are in right-relationship within the ecosystem.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Breaking Free, Inc.
St. Paul
To support the three main service categories of Breaking Free: database management and direct services, drop-in shelter and emergency shelter, and outreach supplies; and to provide basic services essential to the survival and success of women escaping sex trafficking as Breaking Free works to end all forms of prostitution and sex trafficking.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Casa de Esperanza
St. Paul
To support Casa de Esperanza’s Fuerza Unida Amig@s program and to continue adapting and evolving community-based work through a mix of virtual adult and youth programs, and engaging in community learning through topical podcasts, webinars, and community connection drop-in calls.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Casa de Esperanza
St. Paul
To support Fuerza Unida Youth Amig@s program, which engages Latin@ youth (ages of 11 to 16) in leadership training and mentoring to develop the skills and resources to create healthy relationships and sexuality, support friends and family who experience abuse, and challenge the systemic forms of oppression that perpetuate violence.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Casa de Esperanza
St. Paul
To enhance organizational capacity to successfully actualize its mission, vision, and goals and to plan for the long-term sustainability of the organization through culturally rooted self-care and healing practices.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Casa de Esperanza
St. Paul
To provide short-term financial assistance to Latin@ women experiencing gender-based violence, Latin@ families who will not receive relief from the stimulus package, and Latin@ people who are undocumented. Casa de Esperanza mobilizes Latinas and Latin@ communities to end domestic violence.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Caring Path
St. Louis Park
To support the creation of hijabs that will be donated to Muslim frontline hospital workers in Minnesota. Hilal Ibrahim, founder and owner of the business Henna and Hijabs, will be granted the funds by Caring Path, which provides resources to immigrants and refugees, including employment, housing, counseling services, educational assistance, and other needed resources
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Cedar Riverside Community Council
In partnership with the BeautyWell Project, the Cedar Riverside Community Council developed Young Women’s Wellness and Leadership Initiative (YWWLI) programming for young women from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To support Raíces Youth Development Program’s continued work on creating more supportive environments for LGBTQ+ Latine youth. Youth will work collaboratively to develop posters and educational material in Spanish on LGBTQ+ terminology, sharing with community members and local school partners.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To support Jóvenes Latinas al Poder which provides tools and opportunities to Latina teen girls and femme-identifying youth to exercise their leadership and collective power to advocate for justice, inclusion, and equity. Centro Tyrone Guzman helps Latina girls gain confidence in their ability to lead and advocate through self-confidence building, establishing professional networks, and preparing them for post-secondary education and career success.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To provide direct emergency financial assistance to the families of its Jóvenes Latinas al Poder program. A multi-service Latine organization, Centro envisions a society that uplifts, supports, and celebrates Chicane and Latine culture.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To provide direct financial assistance to low-income, elder Latina women who are participants in the Wise Elders program. Centro Tyrone Guzman provides a holistic approach to education, health, and wellness to support the well-being of Latin families.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
City of Minneapolis: Trans Equity Council
To provide direct, short-term financial assistance to BIPOC trans and gender non-conforming and other individuals who do not qualify for government assistance and who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. The City of Minneapolis Division of Race and Equity leads intersectional equity initiatives and develops tools with which City leaders, policymakers, and the public use to hold the City accountable for achieving progress toward racial equity goals.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
City of Minneapolis
To sponsor the seventh annual Trans Equity Summit for trans and gender nonconforming community members to connect to resources and each other, and for potential allies to learn more about issues impacting the trans/GNC community and how to integrate community visions through an equity lens.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Coalition of Asian American Leaders (CAAL)
St. Paul
To adapt the Center for Story-based Strategy’s training for their communities in order to build power narratives for individuals impacted by deportation. CAAL harnesses collective power to improve the lives of community by connecting, learning, and acting together.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
CommonBond Communities
To support resident services to 5,880 low-income women and girls who call CommonBond home, many of whom are women of color, women with disabilities, and older women. CommonBond Communities builds stable homes, strong futures, and vibrant communities.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES)
St. Paul
To fund the multi-generational sexual health education program for Latinx families. CLUES advances the capacity of Latino individuals and families to be healthy, prosperous, and engaged in their communities.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio, Inc. (CLUES)
St. Paul
To pair direct services with advocacy and leadership training for participants to address systemic barriers that impede success for communities of color, particularly Latinx, regardless of immigration status.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Communidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio, Inc. (CLUES)
St. Paul
To provide short-term financial assistance to mixed-status families, low-income Latina women, Latina women in Greater Minnesota, and families facing financial hardship because of unemployment. CLUES advances the capacity of Latino individuals and families to be healthy, prosperous, and engaged in community.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES)
Minneapolis & St. Paul
To fund a leadership retreat for youth participants in the YA! and Entre Mujeres (“Between Women”) programs, both of which empower Latinx youth from low-income households through activities and offerings including mentoring, leadership development, college access services, and safe and culturally anchored spaces for growth. CLUES connects individuals and families with services, resources, skills, institutions, and systems and creates an environment for people to be engaged and empowered.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
To provide short-term financial assistance to youth and families who have experience physical and/or sexual abuse. CornerHouse pursues safety, justice, and healing for youth and their families
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Council on American-Islamic Relations, Minnesota Chapter (CAIR-MN)
To support CAIR-MN’s Civil Rights Division as it protects and advocates for the rights of community members, particularly those of African immigrant communities, by monitoring cases of discrimination arising from the unprecedented and rapidly changing circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
discapacitados abriéndose caminos
St. Paul
To support youth programming for young girls and women ages 14 to 24 who are assisting and supporting their families with knowledge to navigate systems, be stable economically, and improve the quality of life for family members with disabilities.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
St. Paul
To provide bilingual information advocacy and problem-solving support for Latina women and girls with disabilities experiencing gender-based violence, and to purchase personal protective equipment for families.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Dakota Wicohan
To provide the Dakota Wicohan’s Dakota Itancanpi Kte Unkihduwiyayapi /Dakota Youth Leadership Program, the only year-round out-of-school youth program in the Lower Sioux area. Dakota Wicohan empowers Dakota youth and prepares them as culture bearers, positively connects them to their community, and grounds them in their Dakota culture to help them on a path to contribute to our community academically, economically, socially, and culturally.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Dakota Wicohan
To support staff as they seek self-determined practices to manage care and healing during COVID-19, to continue using the wicozani instrument for reflection and support of each staff member’s self-care journey, to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE), and to help create a meditation and relaxation space in the Dakota Wicohan office.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Dakota Wicohan (DW)
To connect young Dakota women with digital resources, care packages, and short-term financial assistance and to support their wellness needs during the COVID19 pandemic. As a Dakota-led organization, Dakota Wicohan works to revitalize Dakota as a living language, and through it, transmit Dakota lifeways to future generations
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Division of Indian Work (DIW)
To support the Anpa Waste House, which provides services to expecting mothers and parents through a food shelf, doula service, and other basic needs. DIW will also provide short-term financial assistance to elders and women experiencing gender-based violence.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Division of Indian Work
To support the delivery of its Live It! Teen Pregnancy Prevention Curriculum through a train-the-trainer model. Live It! is a holistic Indigenous-specific curriculum developed and designed by the Division of Indian Work.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
discapacitados abriéndose caminos (d.a.c)
South St. Paul
To facilitate interpretation for families needing medical and professional advocacy and to provide educational support for Latinx youth and their families, including access to technology for distance learning and additional resources for short term emergency needs.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Elder Voice Family Advocates
To advocate, educate, and continue providing support to families and direct caregivers of elderly and vulnerable women in Minnesota during the COVID-19 crisis. Elder Voice Family Advocates represents residents, direct caregivers, and families of elderly and vulnerable adults in senior living facilities in Minnesota.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Family Tree Clinic
St. Paul
Family Tree’s health education program advances outcomes by delivering comprehensive, science-based sexual health and healthy relationships education to young people in a variety of settings. Relationship and sexual health programming is delivered in public schools, though educators also travel to correctional facilities, colleges, Alternative Learning Centers, group homes that provide services to deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing (DDBHH) individuals, chemical dependency treatment centers, shelters, and housing programs across the metro region to ensure that everyone has the tools they need to make healthy and informed decisions.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Family Safety Network of Cass, Hubbard, and Clearwater Counties
To provide advocacy to victim-survivors of domestic violence and their families across the three counties. Family Safety Network of Cass, Hubbard, and Clearwater Counties interrupts the cycle of domestic violence and advocates for social change.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Family Values for Life
St. Paul
To provide short-term basic needs assistance to women who are heads of households and to offer summer workforce development activities to build power with women as financial providers for their families. Family Values for Life works with families to help them chart a path out of crisis through spiritual empowerment, mental alertness, physical fitness, and financial stability.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Family Tree Clinic
St. Paul
Family Tree Clinic will use the funds to invest in the well-being and health of their staff for long-term organizational sustainability, staff check-ins that integrate traumainformed practices, expanding capacity around the Racial Justice and Gender Justice Caucuses, and supporting BIPOC supervisors with the increase in workload and responsibility.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Fearless Commerce (Twin Cities Innovation Alliance)
To provide $500 microgrants to Black women business owners whose businesses have been closed as a result of COVID-19. 13 Fearless Commerce elevates and invests in Black women business owners to ensure that Black women have the resources to start and sustain high-growth businesses.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Family Tree Clinic
St. Paul
To support the delivery of comprehensive sex education in Twin Cities Metro area schools with the goal of positively influencing sexual health outcomes among teens. Family Tree Clinic cultivates a healthy community through comprehensive sexual healthcare and education.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
FamilyWise Services
St. Paul
To support the Bright Beginnings program for teen parents ages 14 to 22 who have a history of out-of-home placement or involvement with the justice system. FamilyWise Services strengthens families by promoting the safety, stability, and well-being of children.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Healing Justice Foundation (HJF)
To support and sustain the collective and individual leadership development, self-care, and healing of the Healing Justice Foundation’s four volunteer board members and founder and CEO, Dr. Joi Lewis (Dr. Joi). HJF will also develop the Time of Reckoning initiative, a series of community engagement and healing justice sessions culminating in a Black-led town hall event and policy-action roundtable.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Healing Justice Foundation (HJF)
To support Black women and their communities by providing healing and wellness at the intersection of the pandemic and heightened political and social unrest after the death of George Floyd. HJF provides individuals, families, 19 organizations, and communities with resources to address oppression-induced inequities and provides urgent healing support to Black, Indigenous, and people of color.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Henna and Hijabs
To create hijabs to be donated to Muslim frontline hospital workers in Minnesota.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin and River Valleys
St. Paul
Girl Scouts ConnectZ is designed for girls from underserved communities where there is little or no volunteer capacity, such as communities of color, low-income communities, or immigrant communities. The ConnectZ program curriculum drives gender equity by providing girls with knowledge and skills in the areas of STEM, financial literacy, and college and career readiness, as well as physical health and safety, mental health,
and healthy relationships.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Hispanic Advocacy and Community Empowerment through Research (HACER)
St. Paul
To fund the Lateen Mom Households, a 10-month program for 20 Latinx teen moms that helps them identify
their strengths while receiving support from their community. HACER works in concert with the Latinx
community to access, generate, and disseminate credible and relevant research studies to inform
institutional decisions and public policy while building power with community.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Hmong American Partnership (HAP)
St. Paul
To provide short-term housing and financial assistance to women and girls of color disproportionately affected by the economic downturn while working jobs that pay less than a living wage. HAP builds power with Twin Cities refugee and immigrant communities to achieve their potential by embracing cultural strengths.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Hnub Tshiab: Hmong Women Achieving Together
St. Paul
To run the Girls Enterprise Zone (EZ), a social, entrepreneurial, and workforce development program that uses teaching and hands-on work experience with Hmong girls, ages 13 to 18, to explore, create, and market their own products for sale. Hnub Tshiab’s is a catalyst for lasting social, cultural, and institutional change to improve the lives of Hmong women.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Hmong American Partnership (HAP)
St. Paul
To enable the Nthxais Hmoob Career Program (NHCP), modeled after a Learn & Earn framework, which combines career counseling, wraparound support services, individualized services plans, and connections to employers to support Hmong and Karen girls, ages 14 to 18. HAP empowers refugee and immigrant communities in the Twin Cities metropolitan area.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Liberty Community Church, PCUSA
To administer The 21st Century Academy that equips K–12 scholars, particularly girls and young women, to be accelerated learners, game-changing global leaders, and justice-oriented entrepreneurs through academic support, enrichment, STEM learning, nutrition, and more. Liberty practices radical hope through the healing of racialized trauma, academic excellence, artistic expression, and innovative activism.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Jeremiah Program
To respond to the acute and evolving needs of diverse, single mothers who are college students experiencing poverty during the COVID-19 public health crisis. Jeremiah Program offers leading strategies for dismantling systemic barriers for single mothers and their children that have led to an epidemic of poverty.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Life House, Inc.
To continue providing a 24-hour transitional living space for young women and LGBTQ+ individuals and community members who have experienced sexual exploitation and/or human trafficking. Life House provides youth with shelter, assistance with unemployment applications, and health services.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Liberty Community Church, PCUSA
To offer basic needs for women and their families at high risk of sexual exploitation in the North Minneapolis area. Liberty Community Church, PCUSA, uses its action-reflection model to respond to issues by analyzing critical data, developing communal responses based on community voices, and then taking action.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Liberty Community Church, PCUSA
To serve participants of the Northside Healing Space by providing programming and tools through a culturally relevant and strengths-based approach. Liberty practices radical hope through the healing of racialized trauma, academic excellence, artistic expression, and innovative activism.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
St. Paul
To support the Seeing and Exploring Life’s Future (SELF) pregnancy/STI prevention program. The SELF program focuses on educating self-advocates in the disability community about sexually transmitted infections, consent, and sexual health, including youth of all backgrounds who identify as having a disability and who pursue individualized education programs.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Minneapolis Public Schools—Office of Black Student Achievement
The Queens Program at the Office of Black Student Achievement was recently implemented to focus on Black girls and young women (ages 12 to 18) in grades 6 through 12. The Queens Program values healthy relationships and promotes college and career preparation by increasing feelings of self-esteem and self-worth, increasing cultural awareness and identity specific to Black girls, and developing and encouraging a
culture of sisterhood, leadership, and mentorship.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Minnesota State Community & Technical College
The Steps to Success Program, created with funding from WFMN’s Pathways to Prosperity Fund, supports women from greater Minnesota and the Fargo-Moorhead region. The program provides education and support for women in the region who are considering college pursuing technology, engineering, and business programs to successful placement in a career with economic and leadership growth opportunities; inspiring and educating women to be leading innovators and change makers and creating a more diverse workforce to meet the needs of the community.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
MIGIZI Communications
MIGIZI’s programs focus on the unique needs and circumstances of the young American Indian people growing up in an urban environment. The First Person Productions Media and Green Jobs Pathways programs will increase the number of young Native women who access paid internships or apprenticeships, increase advocacy efforts in youth employment, and increase young people’s understanding of healthy relationships built on mutual respect. MIGIZI hopes to increase its service area and partnerships to increase the presence of positive narratives, laws, policies and behaviors for young American Indian women.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Minnesota Youth Collective Education Fund
St. Paul
Minnesota Youth Collective Education Fund was founded to serve as a political home for young people in the state, particularly those who often do not see themselves reflected in power structures, including young people of color, young women and non-binary folks, and young LGBTQ+ people. The program trains participants to be their own advocates, whether through student government, on the local city council, or at the state Capitol.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Men As Peacemakers
To empower girls of color to change the systems impacting youth and to normalize the power, influence, and leadership of girls of color. Men As Peacemakers helps Native girls and girls of color navigate an environment where sexual violence and exploitation has become normal.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition
To implement a Survivor Advisory Board and to conduct 100 culturally respectful interviews with survivors of sex trafficking via Zoom. Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition builds resources to create awareness of and eliminate sexual violence against Indian women and children.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition
St. Paul
To provide transformative staff development opportunities including healing retreats and educational workshops, and to support 40 hours of self-identified professional or personal development for each staff member.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
MIGIZI Communications
To support additional staff capacity after the fire at MIGIZI during this summer’s civil unrest and to purchase technology to build organizational capacity and support the remote youth programming of Green Jobs and First People Productions programs.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Men as Peacemakers (MAP)
To center the voices and leadership of Black and Indigenous girls and girls of color directly impacted by systemic racism, sexism, and COVID-19 through a summer leadership coalition for the Girls’ Restorative Program. MAP builds safe communities through programs that address and undermine the root causes of gender-based violence including sexism, male dominance, white supremacy, racism, classism, homophobia, and transphobia.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Men As Peacemakers
To support MAP’s programs to end gender-based violence through their Don’t Buy it Project, Girls Restorative Program, and Youth Restorative Justice programs.
WFMN Fund for Safety
MIGIZI Communications
To rebuild the MIGIZI Communications building that was impacted by the fires near the Third Precinct at the end of May, and to support the youth impacted through their youth programming and healing space.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Men as Peacemakers (MAP)
To support a three-month sabbatical to sustain MAP’s co-leadership model. MAP builds safe communities through programs that address and undermine the root causes of gender-based violence including sexism, male dominance, white supremacy, racism, classism, homophobia, and transphobia.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition
To support Project Aunties in Action and staff time, travel, volunteer honorariums, transportation, and the purchase of personal protective equipment and hygiene products for Native American women, older women, girls, and LGBTQ2Spirit people. Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition builds resources to create awareness of and eliminate sexual violence against Indian women and children.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Ostara Initiative
To provide supportive materials, health education, and doula services to incarcerated pregnant women who have lost services as a result of the pandemic, and to advocate for the release of incarcerated pregnant people who are at high risk if they contract COVID-19. The Ostara Initiative collectively transforms systems by reimagining justice, advancing health, and reclaiming dignity in policies and practices for all pregnant and parenting people.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
OutFront Minnesota Community Services
The collective work of OutFront programs (Educational Equity Program, Anti-Violence Program, and Policy & Organizing Program) advances systems change for LGBTQ+ girls and women by encouraging them to use their voice and agency. OutFront trains leaders of all ages to advocate to improve systems at schools and workplaces, and trains thousands of organizations on best practices for 9 inclusive and equitable environments that impact policies and their implementation.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
To build organizational capacity to amplify systems change work in the public policy arena and other areas of civic engagement, including campaigns around climate change, immigration, education, and community safety. NAVIGATE MN is a space for Latinx peoples to be part of a community who share Indigenous, anti-corporate greed, feminist values; be in relationship with one another, elevate their leadership, build people-driven grassroots power, and win on issues central to their experience.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
To provide direct, short-term financial assistance to low-income and immigrant families and undocumented individuals across Minnesota, many of whom will not otherwise receive emergency support during the COVID-19 pandemic. NAVIGATE/Unidos MN builds power for gender, racial, and economic justice and envisions a Minnesota where Latinxs achieve their full potential.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
OutFront Minnesota Community Services
To ensure stable housing and basic needs for LGBTQ+ people across Minnesota who are experiencing gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. OutFront MN creates a state where LGBTQ+ people are free to be who they are, love who they love, and live without fear of violence, harassment, or discrimination.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Northwest Indian Community Development Center
To strengthen human resources, accounting, and program administration and to support the organization’s transformative adaptation. Northwest Indian Community Development Center identifies, coordinates, and delivers 24 resources that promote wellness and equity for American Indian families in northwest and north-central Minnesota.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Northwest Indian Community Development Center (NWICDC) (Bemidji)
To provide basic needs and short-term financial assistance to Native women and Native elders experiencing gender-based violence or unemployment. NWICDC addresses and mobilizes the American Indian equity agenda, realizing the need for culturally implicit integrated services that are controlled and delivered with a “for us, by us” approach.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Partners for Affordable Housing
To provide critical housing solutions for marginalized populations in southern Minnesota, particularly for women and children fleeing domestic violence, individuals with disabilities, and low-income people.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Pearl Crisis Center
To provide support and services to rural victim-survivors of gender-based violence in Mille Lacs County and to meet the increased needs of its local elderly and Native American populations. Pearl Crisis Center provides support to victim-survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence through direct services, prevention, and community awareness.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Power of the People Leadership Institute
To support Girls Taking Action (formerly Girls in Action), a group that supports African American girls in the Metro area by addressing the social-emotional needs of girls. Funds will support curriculum development and shifts that highlight the importance of girl-centered leadership in combatting racial injustice and inequity. Mentors will also receive additional trainings on how to address race and racism with girls through online mentoring sessions (e-mentoring).
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Power of the People Leadership Institute
To deliver virtual mentoring, emotional and mental health support, distance learning help, and access to emergency resources for young Black girls during the COVID-19 pandemic. Power of the People Leadership Institute motivates, mentors, empowers, engages, and educates girls to succeed in school and in life.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Phumulani Minnesota African Women Against Violence
St. Paul
To increase accessibility to Phumulani’s cultural tea ceremonies for African Immigrant women survivors of violence and to engage in a language-accessible sexual violence prevention campaign for all African languages that are represented in Minnesota. Phumulani provides culturally specific resources to women and girls of African descent to change the cycle of gender-based abuse in vulnerable populations.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Project DIVA
To work with consultants as the organization shifts to an international approach, expands to serve young Black girls in the Metro area, and creates a strategy and fundraising plan for expansion. Project DIVA International provides spaces for young Black women and girls in grades 3 to 12 to grow into young women by encouraging them to self-discover without limits.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Project DIVA
To fund the Business Academy 369, a program designed to allow Black girls the freedom to determine a career or business while allowing them to connect with successful women in those fields to learn more. Project DIVA guides Black girls throughout the Twin Cities to make informed decisions as they transition into adulthood through a supportive coaching program focused on economic literacy and five other key focus areas of development.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
St. Paul
To offer short-term financial assistance to African immigrant women on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and to women experiencing sudden unemployment or business closures. Phumulani increases awareness of and provides supportive services for survivors and victims of sexual and domestic violence in the African immigrant community.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Philanthrofund Foundation (PFund Foundation)
To provide direct, short-term financial assistance to Minnesota’s LGBTQIA women and girls who are being significantly impacted by COVID-19. PFund Foundation is a resource and community builder for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and allied communities by providing grants and scholarships, developing leaders, and inspiring giving.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Pillsbury United Communities—Brian Coyle Center
To host Girls Tech Fridays, where East African girls forge a career path that honors their cultural and religious traditions in a positive, supportive environment. The Brian Coyle Center hosts a continuum of programs designed around the neighborhood’s rapidly changing immigrant communities.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Phyllis Wheatley Community Center
To provide direct, short-term financial assistance and mental health support to Black women living in North Minneapolis who have or are currently experiencing gender-based violence. The Phyllis Wheatley Community Center addresses the needs of diverse, low-income families in North Minneapolis and the Twin Cities area.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Project DIVA
To offer continued wrap-around services, virtual emotional and mental health support, and financial literacy coaching during the changing economic times for Black girls. Project Diva uses coaching and mentoring to provide solutions to challenges that Black girls face about their physical and emotional well-being, safety and security, relationships with self, family, and future romantic partners.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Pillsbury United Communities
To provide short-term financial support to women of color impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Pillsbury United Communities builds community through co-creating enduring change toward a just society.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Pillsbury United Communities
Sisterhood Boutique is a social enterprise store that accepts donations of gently used clothing for re-sale; it builds pathways to self-discovery and 21st century skills for East African girls and young women in a way that honors their cultures and centers their personal goals. Its culturally specific model offers a uniquely intersectional perspective on youth development, leadership development, and future readiness among women of color.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Project FINE
Winona & St. Charles
To run the Girls Reaching Above and Beyond (GRAB) program, which supports and builds power with girls from refugee and immigrant families to helps them discover their identities and create a road map to pursue their dreams.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Project FINE
To expand their advocacy and information referrals and to provide direct, short-term financial assistance to refugees and immigrants in rural Minnesota. Project FINE strengthens and enriches the community by facilitating the integration of people who are ethnically diverse.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Rainbow Research
To convene a group of sex trafficking survivor-consultants and facilitators to make recommendations for the City of Minneapolis to improve the lives of survivors of sexual exploitation in Minneapolis, in partnership with the senior advisor for human trafficking at the City of Minneapolis. Rainbow Research engages in participatory, systems-oriented research and evaluation with a consistent focus on social justice.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Range Engineering Council
To run #night programming, which invites high school girls to come to the Iron Range Engineering (IRE) campus to learn about opportunities in engineering careers by experiencing hands-on projects, interacting with female college engineering students, and attending workshops led by female engineers from industry. The Range Engineering Council supports and facilitates educational activities across the Iron Range that promote awareness of and encourage participation in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
To provide relief to Southeast Asian elders, women and girls, and community members impacted by the deportation of family members, and to expand the capacity of existing efforts to meet community needs. ReleaseMN8 provides direct support to families impacted by deportation through leadership development and community organizing for social and political change and community power to protect human rights and keep families together.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
St. Paul
To provide financially accessible, trans-specific, and culturally relevant emergency assistance to queer and trans youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. RECLAIM! increases access to mental health support for queer and trans youth so they might reclaim their lives from oppression in all its forms.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
St. Paul
To host the Queer & Trans Girls in Helping Professions group, which supports young people (ages 14 to 18) as they develop a group with therapeutic supports as well as career and professional development skills building. RECLAIM! works to increase access to mental health support so that queer and trans youth may reclaim their lives from oppression in all its forms.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
St. Paul
To allow clinicians and staff a week of rest and healing after working tirelessly since March 2020 to provide ongoing support to their clients impacted by COVID-19 and civil unrest in the Twin Cities, while also being personally impacted as people of color and LGBTQ+ community members. RECLAIM! provides financially and culturally accessible care to queer and trans youth and their families, and trains practitioners and partners in community to create systems of change at the intersection of gender and racial justice.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Restoration For All
West St. Paul
To fund the Future Solution Now (FUSON) project to equip, train and support 15 African immigrant and refugee girls, ages 12 to 18, in ethnic entrepreneurship. Through the program, girls become aware of economic opportunities while recognizing personal skills needed to achieve economic self-sufficiency and abilities using culturally appropriate strategies. Restoration for All nurtures and empowers individuals, organizations, and communities to discover, renew, and restore their cultural connections with improved socio-cultural well-being.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment (RISE)
Minneapolis & St. Paul
To provide emotional and mental health support to young Muslim girls in St. Paul and provide homework assistance and translation accessibility or Somali speakers during distance learning. RISE amplifies the voice and power of Muslim women through storytelling, leadership development, and civic engagement.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Ruth’s House of Hope, Inc.
To support Ruth’s House, an emergency and transitional shelter with supportive services for women and children experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness due to domestic violence or other traumatic life circumstances such as illness, disability, substance abuse disorders, or poverty. Ruth’s House of Hope, Inc. serves families in Rice County by meeting immediate needs for safe shelter, food, and basic needs, and by helping families overcome barriers to self-sufficiency and stable, permanent housing.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Sexual Assault Services, Inc.
To provide short-term financial assistance to victim/survivors of sexual assault and basic needs support including food, temporary housing, rent assistance, clothing, transportation, and hygiene supplies. Sexual Assault Services, Inc. brings hope, healing, and empowerment to those affected by sexual abuse and exploitation within the Crow Wing County area.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
To increase Black girls’ knowledge of STEM fields and prepare them to fill future STEM job opportunities through an after-school coding program. Sisters-NTechnology engages young women in computer science and related information technology fields.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Southwest Crisis Center (SWCC)
To provide short-term financial assistance to clients in southwestern Minnesota’s rural communities that have been impacted by the temporary closing of large meatpacking plants. A victim advocacy organization, SWCC builds survivors’ safety, healing, rights, and autonomy while working to transform institutions and public policy.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Southeast Seniors
To address the emerging needs of older women experiencing increased isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic through food, prescription delivery, and mental and emotional support. Southeast Seniors is a neighbor-helping-neighbor program that helps seniors remain safely in their homes with an enhanced quality of life.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
To support the short-term financial health and emotional needs of women and families of women who have been incarcerated. StartAnew provides re-entry and transitional services to women who have history with the legal system by offering life skills and tools for women to achieve their dreams.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
St. Paul Youth Services
St. Paul
To support the YouthPower Leadership Institute, a yearround, youth-designed leadership program where black girls ages 13 to 18 come together to discover, celebrate, and exercise leadership. St. Paul Youth Services (SPYS) is a leader in reimagining how our community engages with and holds itself accountable for youth.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
St. Paul Youth Services (SPYS)
St. Paul
To provide short-term financial support through technology care packages to students and 1:1 support as students transition from in-person to digital learning and high school to college. SPYS believe in the power of youth and reimagines how the community engages with and holds itself accountable for youth.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
St. Catherine University – Minnesota Center for Diversity in Economics (MCDE)
St. Paul
To administer a mentorship program for girls and young women called Cross-generational Female Economist Mentorship (C-FEM) for girls and young women from area high schools, ages 14 to 18.The MCDE promotes and supports gender and racial diversity in economics at every stage of the educational and career pipeline, while leveraging its position at a women’s college to design, implement, and study
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
St. Paul Youth Services
St. Paul
To expand the innovative YouthPowerMN program by launching YouthPowerMediaMN, which will create safe online spaces for Black youth to convene; create media-based learning and advocacy tools; and amplify youth voices and activism through digital storytelling.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
St. Paul Youth Services
St. Paul
Since its launch, YouthPower, an initiative of St. Paul Youth Services, has demonstrated the incredible impact of investing in young Black women. As a cohort, young women participate in all three program elements: Healing and Identity, Exploration and Innovation, and Creating Policy Change. Participating youth meet at least two days a week after school during the school year, and for 20-30 hours in the summer, following a youth-centric, youth-shaped curriculum of engaging and educational activities, field trips, team building, and advocacy.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
The ANIKA Foundation
To provide short-term financial assistance to Black elder women. The ANIKA Foundation promotes health equity, civic engagement, and economic empowerment of primarily women and girls in underserved communities.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Terebinth Refuge
Waite Park
To support victim-survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking in rural Central Minnesota through short-term financial assistance, housing, and basic needs provision. Terebinth Refuge is an emergency shelter and transitional home that brings hope, healing services, and freedom to sexually exploited and trafficked women and their small children.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
The Coalition of Asian American Leaders (CAAL)
St. Paul
To support CAAL’s policy and advocacy work as it relates to COVID-19 and fighting systemic racism. CAAL harnesses the collective power of Asian leaders in the state to improve the lives of community members by connecting, learning, and acting together.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
The Link
To increase their capacity to house youth at risk for sex trafficking and continue to meet basic needs like shelter, housing, food, hygiene supplies, and access to mental or medical support. The Link works with youth and families to overcome the impacts of poverty and social injustice.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
The Link
To support the Career and Leadership Development program which targets economic well-being, helping LGBTQ+ girls and young women of color to develop skills related to professionalism and the workplace, finance, and interpersonal abilities. The Link works with youth and families to overcome the impacts of poverty and injustice.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
The Link
To reinforce the leadership capacity of women of color and/or LGBTQ+ women while building internal capacity of the organization and leadership to be more effective leaders in the anti-trafficking field. The Link works with youth and families to overcome the impacts of poverty and injustice.
WFMN Fund for Safety
The SEAD Project
To grow The SEAD Project’s organizational capacity by investing in the technological infrastructure of the organization and expanding their Planting SEADS program to continue capturing and sharing stories of the Southeast Asian diaspora. SEAD will continue creating timely translation services and mutual aid for the Southeast Asian community.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
The SEAD Project
The SEAD Project is committed to providing culturally safe and conducive learning environments to build key career pathways using cultural identity and social empowerment. The SEA Change Lab is a program aimed at building the next generation of Southeast Asian (SEA) leaders through arts and storytelling for SEA youth, ages 12 to 25.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Transforming Generations
St. Paul
To support Hmong families and victim-survivors of gender-based violence though language services and short-term financial assistance to meet basic needs. Transforming Generations organizes, educates, and transforms cultural and power dynamics to end gender-based violence.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Truth House Foundation
To support a COVID-19 Stabilization Program for young mothers and families who are impacted by the pandemic. Truth House equips teen and young moms (ages 13-24) for lifelong success by providing support, guidance, empowerment, and the foundational tools to build healthy and stable lives for themselves and their children.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
To support transitional housing for youth and the Youth Advocacy Program, an early intervention program for at-risk youth. Tubman advances opportunities for change so that every person can experience safety, hope, and healing.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
To support Crack the Code: Mentorship, a program that provides supportive networking and STEM-focused events and opportunities for girls in the FargoMoorhead area. uCodeGirl builds a support system for teen girls to be nurtured for STEM academic success and to support students’ pursuit of their academic and career aspirations.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
To develop curriculum and implement a new digital training program designed to equip young women with practical and employable skills and remove multiple barriers that undermine the earning potential and economic stability of young women of color and young women from refugee and rural communities. uCodeGirl inspires, engages, and equips young girls in the FargoMoorhead community with leadership traits, computational thinking skills, and entrepreneurial mindsets.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
United Community Action Partnership
To support Generation Next, which works with girls, ages 12 to 18, and focuses on building awareness around gender inequities and cultural competency as a group and in their schools and local communities. United Community Action Partnership eliminates poverty by empowering individuals and strengthening communities.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
United Community Action Partnership
To provide direct assistance to women and girls who need short-term financial support across 13 counties. United Community Action Partnership delivers needed critical services and supports to the most vulnerable in West Central and Southwest Minnesota including housing, food, transportation, and health/wellness
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
unPrison Project
To deliver virtual mentoring, distance learning, and support for life skills planning and emotional and mental health and well-bring for women in prison during the COVID-19 pandemic. unPrison Project serves women and youth in prison with coaching, mentoring, and resource guidance for re-entry so they can acquire more tools to successfully stay out of prison after release.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Vietnamese Social Services of Minnesota
St. Paul
To provide short-term financial assistance to Asian women experiencing gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Vietnamese Social Services helps Minnesota’s immigrant and refugee communities by addressing their basic economic, educational, and health needs while collaborating with partners to support healthy, capable, and thriving communities.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Violence Intervention Project
Thief River Falls
Violence Intervention Project’s youth-led advisory panel will recruit young women and youth ages 12 to 18 in their five-county service area to create awareness and develop strategies to reduce violence and exploitation in schools and communities, and support young women to find and share their voices as they build their sense of agency and power. The youth-led advisory panel will increase awareness of gender-based violence in the community and develop and present practical solutions to peers, school administration, and community leaders for implementation.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Violence Intervention Project, Inc.(VIP)
Thief River Falls
To provide short-term financial assistance and housing for victim-survivors of sexual and domestic violence who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide hazard pay for advocates working on the frontlines with clients. VIP works to end violence and the acceptance of all forms of violence in the communities of Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, Red Lake, and Roseau.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Voices for Racial Justice (VRJ)
To support the BRIDGE network in planning a regular women’s group that will be a space for women affected by incarceration to gather, build leadership skills, define solutions, and act for change. VRJ supports the movement of leaders, researchers, organizers, advocates, and cultural workers who envision a world without racism that honors the culture, knowledge, power, and healing of Black, Indigenous, and all communities of color.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Voices for Racial Justice (VRJ)
To build capacity for digital organizing strategies that meld VRJ’s work for gender justice with their work to end mass incarceration in Minnesota. VRJ builds power through collective cultural and healing strategies for racial justice across Minnesota using organizing, leadership training, community policy, and research.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 4
Way to Grow
To support the DreamTracks™ teen parenting program, working with teen parents and their extended families to break the cycle of teenage pregnancy and poverty to move teens towards self-sufficiency. Way to Grow works closely with parents and communities to ensure 11 children from communities facing the greatest disparities are born healthy, stay healthy, and are prepared for school.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
We Rise MN
To establish supportive, trauma-informed community homes and community networks for formerly incarcerated and justice-involved women and non-binary individuals released from incarceration during the pandemic. We Rise MN creates a movement in which the collective power of those who are directly impacted by incarceration can grow.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
West Side Community Organization
St. Paul
To strengthen the West Side Solidarity Relief Fund and provide financial relief and rental assistance through the Women and Women of Color Leadership Table to woman-identifying applicants. The West Side Community Organization increases civic participation by launching organizing campaigns, offering leadership and development opportunities for West Side residents, and educating and building a power base of residents from all backgrounds to tackle civic issues.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Women’s Advocates, Inc.
St. Paul
To provide essential services through a 24/7 crisis line, outreach, shelter, and the Aftercare Program, which provides rent support and advocacy for victims/survivors of domestic violence and their children. Women’s Advocates uses the tools of radical hospitality, advocacy, and collective action to work toward a community free from violence, where all are safe and can live productive and healthy lives.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Women’s Health Center of Duluth, P.A.
To continue to provide critical reproductive health services to women and girls in Minnesota during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women’s Health Center of Duluth provides, advances, and advocates for evidence-based reproductive and sexual healthcare for all.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Women Initiative Network of Liberia
To provide short-term financial assistance and basic needs for West African women and the West African community in the Moorhead area. The Women Initiative Network of Liberia builds community and improves lives by providing support services to women and children, single teen moms, and vulnerable adults in Cass and Clay counties.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Women for Political Change (WFPC)
St. Paul
To support a mutual aid fund that provides direct short-term financial assistance to women of color, LGBQ+ individuals, transwomen, and others impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. WFPC invests in the leadership and political power of young women and trans & non-binary individuals under 30.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 1
Women’s Rural Advocacy Center
To provide short-term financial and basic needs support to women in Greater Minnesota experiencing gender-based violence or unemployment because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Women’s Rural Advocacy Center provides safety, advocacy, and assistance for those victimized by domestic violence in southwest Minnesota and raises community awareness through prevention and education.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
Women for Political Change Education Fund
Women for Political Change
(WFPC) holistically invests in the leadership and political power of young women and trans and nonbinary individuals throughout Minnesota. WFPC facilitates YWI Network convenings for Young Women’s
Initiative of Minnesota program participants and facilitates the YWI Network pop-up events, open to all
young women and trans and non-binary individuals for networking, professional development, and
movement building.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Women Winning
St. Paul
To sustain critical candidate development of pro-choice women in the upcoming election cycle. Women Winning recruits, trains, and elects pro-choice women to all levels of public office in Minnesota.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
St. Paul
To mobilize leaders within communities to organize for systems change and serve as a parallel track to the direct services that members are providing to the community. WoMN ACT advances gender equity and social justice through advocacy and collaboration.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 3
YWCA of Minneapolis
To support Contact Plus, a high-quality youth development program offering comprehensive sexual health education, leadership development, and school connectedness to youth in Minneapolis Public Schools. YWCA of Minneapolis eliminates racism, empowers women and girls, and promotes peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities
To support the Teen Outreach Program (TOP) club programming for youth, ages 12 to 18, which includes teen pregnancy prevention. The YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities believes that everyone deserves a chance to succeed — no matter their background or income, which happens only when we unite to nurture the best in all of us.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
YWCA St. Paul
St. Paul
To provide short-term financial assistance for families experiencing housing instability, as well as basic needs for distance learning, hygiene, and household maintenance. YWCA St. Paul programs and services support women and their families in breaking down barriers to stable housing, employment, and academic achievement.
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund - Round 2
Annex Teen Clinic
To provide comprehensive sexuality education in Northwest Hennepin County.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Asian Women United
St. Paul
To support language advocates through capacity building to better serve individuals who are recent immigrants or refugees in Minnesota.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Asian Women United
St. Paul
To support language advocates through capacity building to better serve individuals who are recent immigrants or refugees in Minnesota.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Asian American Organizing Project
St. Paul
To build the power of youth in the youth program to see themselves as leaders capable of changing the unjustices that they see and to support the Gender Justice Program.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Asian American Organizing Project
St. Paul
To build the power of youth in the youth program to see themselves as leaders capable of changing the injustices that they see, and to support the Gender Justice Program which builds power in young Asian people, especially in queer and trans youth, women, and girls to combat sexual violence and recognize their bodily autonomy through a four-month long cohort.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Augsburg University—Urban Debate League
To advance the Blueprint for Action through creating access for young women to higher paying jobs and developing young women’s leadership through competitive academic debate.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Augsburg University – Urban Debate League
Minneapolis To advance the Blueprint for Action through creating access for young women to higher paying jobs and developing young women’s leadership.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
To support year-round programming that ensures that young women remain in school and avoid drugs and alcohol.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
To support year-round programming that ensures that young women remain in school and avoid drugs and alcohol.
girlsBEST Fund
Best Academy, Inc.
To support SISTER Academy, an all-girls education and enrichment program for grades 5-8, designed to build, nurture, and strengthen academic, moral and social development in preparation for a successful transition into high school, college, and career.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Best Academy, Inc.
To support SISTER Academy, an all-girls education and enrichement program for grades 5-8.
girlsBEST Fund
Black Visions Collective
To support the Black Arts and Organzing cohort of the Black Visions Project, a nine-month arts learning and grassroots organizing program for eight Black queer and trans youth.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Black Visions Collective
To support the Black Arts and Organizing cohort of the Black Visions Project, a nine-month arts learning and grassroots organizing program for eight Black queer and trans youth, ages 18 to 24.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Lake Shore
To support the research-based BOLD curriculum in the Brainerd Lakes area for middle and high school girls to build self-esteem and pursue their goals.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Casa de Esperanza
St. Paul
To resource Fuerza Unida (United in Strength), an initiative that incorporates a cultural strengths perspective, leadership training, and teaches program participants, known as Amig@s, how to recognize unhealthy relationships and respond to domestic violence and sexual assault.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Casa de Esperanza
St. Paul
To resource Fuerza Unida (United in Strength), an initiative that incorporates a cultural strengths perspective and leadership training.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To support Jovenes Latinas al Poder, a Latina leadership training program that supports advocacy for justice, inclusion, and equity in the Twin Citites.
girlsBEST Fund
Coalition for Asian American Leaders (CAAL)
St. Paul
To support Making Our Voices Effective for Equity (MOVEE), a leadership program to support, develop, and sustain Asian social justice movement leaders in Minnesota, including girls and young women.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Casa de Esperanza
To support Fuerza Unida Youth Amig@s program, which engages Latin@ youth (ages 11 to 16) in leadership training and mentoring to develop the skills and resources to create healthy relationships and sexuality, support friends and family who experience abuse, and challenge the systemic forms of oppression that perpetuate violence. The youth group will create and implement a new youth participatory action research project to investigate and document how Latin@ youth experience mental health issues using photography and the Photovoice technique.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
City of Minneapolis
To sponsor the sixth annual Trans Equity Summit for trans and gender nonconforming community members to resources and each other, and for potential allies to 4 learn more about issues impacting the trans/GNC Community and how to integrate community visions through an equity lens.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Cedar Riverside Community Council
To continue the Young Women’s Wellness and Leadership Initiative (YWWLI) in partnership with the BeautyWell Project which trains young Somali women (ages 14 to 18) and other African women to take the lead in their health and well-being, gain policy and advocacy skills, and create a social media advocacy campaign to address skin-lightening practices, self-esteem, and reproductive health.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To support Jóvenes Latinas al Poder, a Latina leadership training program that supports advocacy for justice, inclusion, and equity in the Twin Cities.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To support Raíces Youth Development Program’s work on supporting activities prioritized by the LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee that will develop posters in Spanish on LGBTQ+ terminology.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Communidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio, Inc. (CLUES)
St. Paul
To support Jóvenes en Acción – ¡YA! (Youth in Action Program), a holistic, culturally appropriate leadership development and college access preparation program.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES)
St. Paul
To fund the multi-generational sexual health education program for Latinx families.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
City of Minneapolis
To sponsor the sixth annual Trans Equity Summit for trans and gener nonconforming community members to resources and each other.
WFMN Fund for Safety
discapacitados abriéndose caminos
St. Paul
To support youth programming for young girls and women ages 14 to 24 who are assisting and supporting their families with knowledge to navigate systems, be stable economically, and improve the quality of life for family members with disabilities.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Dakota Wicohan
To support the year-round Dakota Youth Leadership Program, which connects Dakota youth to their community and helps prepare them to contribute academically, economically, socially, and culturally.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Division of Indian Work
To support the delivery of its Live It! Teen Pregnancy Prevention Curriculum through a train-the trainer model.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Family Tree Clinic
St. Paul
To support the delivery of comprehensive sex education in Metro area schools, aiming to positively influence sexual health outcomes among teens.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
FamilyWise Services
St. Paul
To support the Bright Beginnings program for teen parents ages 14-22 with a history of out-of-home placement or justice system involvement.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Family Tree Clinic
St. Paul
To support Family Tree’s health education program which advances outcomes by delivering comprehensive, science-based sexual health and healthy relationships education to young people in a variety of settings and ensures that everyone has the tools they need to make healthy and informed decisions about their relationships and sexual health.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Girl Scouts – Dakota Horizons
Sioux Falls
To support hands-on learning with a focus on life skills, STEM (science, technology, science, and engineering), the outdoors, and financial literacy.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin and River Valleys
St. Paul
To fund the Girl Scouts ConnectZ program, designed for girls from underserved communities where there is little or no volunteer capacity and whose curriculum drives gender equity by providing girls with knowledge and skills in the areas of STEM, financial literacy, and college and career readiness, as well as physical health and safety, mental health, and healthy relationships.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
HAP (Hmong American Partnership)
St. Paul
To support the needs of a new generation of Hmong girls and women with group mentoring and an internship program that includes stipends, financial literacy training, and career exploration.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
To support culturally appropriate employment preparation, sexuality and AIDS education, mentoring, and academic achievement training for African immigrant girls in programming that includes family and other caring adults.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Liberty Community Church, PCUSA
To support the 21st Century Academy, which provides quality learning and mentoring, developmentally appropriate activities, and leadership development for girls. The program emphasizes reading, writing, math, and technology.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Liberty Community Church, PCUSA
To support the Northside Healing Space, formerly the Northside Women’s Space, for survivors to heal from the traumas of commercial sexual exploitation.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota
St. Paul
To support the Seeing and Exploring Life’s Future (SELF) pregnancy/STI prevention program, focused on educating self-advocates in the disability community, including youth of all backgrounds who identify as having a disability and who are on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Men as Peacemakers
To support and strengthen systems and infrastructure to sustain the movement to end sex trafficking and to elevate leaders and organizations working with communities of color, in particular American Indian communities.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Men as Peacemakers
To support the Girls Restorative Program (GRP) in expanding leadership opportunities and skill-building through education and career preparation.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Minneapolis Public Schools—Office of Black Student Achievement
To support the Queens Program at the Office of Black Student Achievement which focuses on Black girls and young women (ages 12 to 18) and values healthy relationships and promotes college and career preparation by increasing feelings of self-esteem and self-worth, increasing cultural awareness and identity specific to Black girls, and developing and encouraging a culture of sisterhood, leadership, and mentorship.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
MIGIZI Communications
To advance the system of education, leadership, and youth employment for the American Indian community across the Twin Cities through the First Person Productions Media and Green Jobs Pathways programs and increase its service area and partnerships to 6 increase the presence of positive narratives, laws, policies, and behaviors for young American Indian women.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Minnesota State Community & Technical College
To continue the Steps to Success Program, created with funding from WFMN’s Pathways to Prosperity Fund, which supports women from greater Minnesota and the Fargo-Moorhead region by providing education and support for women in the region who are considering college to successful placement in a career with economic and leadership growth opportunities.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Minnesota Youth Collective Education Fund
St. Paul
To serve as a political home for young people in the state, particularly those who often do no see themselves reflected in power structures, including young people of color, young women and non-binary folks, and young LGBTQ+ people and to train them to be their own advocates.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition
To support research focused on sex trafficking of LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit relatives in the Minneapolis metro area and great Minnesota.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Neighborhood House
St. Paul
To support the Gang Reduction and Intervention Program (GRIP) and the Girls Realizing Our Worth (GROW 2.0) group in preparing young women for economic readiness and financial stability through training in confidence, cultural awareness, critical thinking, and life skills.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
OutFront Minnesota
To support a youth-led statewide Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) network, which will support adult advisors of GSAs and LGBTQ+ youth; train and support Minnesota educators to create inclusive school environments; and advocate for public policies and practices that affirm and support LGBTQ+ students.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
OutFront Minnesota Community Services
To support LGBTQ+ girls and women to use their voice and agency to advocate against discrimination and bullying while building healthy peer relationships as they navigate their most difficult years in school.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Phumulani Minnesota African Women Against Violence
St. Paul
To support convenings of multiple African communities and contextualize the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault within the cultural history and values of participants.
WFMN Fund for Safety
Pillsbury United Communities
To fund Sisterhood Boutique, a social enterprise store that builds pathways to self-discovery and 21st century skills for East African girls and young women in a way that honors their cultures and centers their personal goals.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Project FINE
To support economic development and education for youth from refugee and immigrant families through the Girls Reaching Above and Beyond (GRAB) program.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Peacemaker Resources
To support the Girls Lead on the Go program, which includes community-based leadership development to build community and advocate for change.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
St. Paul
To support Passages, a program that aims to change the cultural and systemic landscape of healing for LGBTQ+ and people of color and Indigenous (POCI) individuals and communities through supporting practitioner development with youth, ages 12-18.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Range Engineering Council
To support #EngineerLikeAGirl, a girl-led, overnight awareness and mentorship program with a series of outreach events, including job shadowing and Engineering Mentor Night.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment (RISE)
To enhance youth curriculum for empowerment and advocacy trainings for Muslim girls so they help expand district policies that support religious accommodation and cultural competence training of educators.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
St. Paul Youth Services
St. Paul
To support the YouthPower program where young women in a cohort participate in three program elements: Healing and Identity, Exploration and Innovation, and Creating Policy Change.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
To support the expansion of after-school coding classes in Minneapolis and St. Paul.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
The SEAD Project
To fund the SEA Change Lab, a program aimed at building the next generation of Southeast Asian (SEA) leaders through arts and storytelling for SEA youth, ages 12 to 25.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
The Link
To support the leadership and convene organizations in the anti-sex trafficking movement and for Safe Harbor advocacy and lobbying.
WFMN Fund for Safety
The Link
To support the Career and Leadership program to increase girls’ leadership skills, provide mentoring partnerships, and prepare them for paid internship opportunities.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
To support Crack the Code: Summer Technology Camp and Shape the Future: Inspire and Nurture Her program that include one-on-one mentoring and technology education from industry professionals.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
United Community Action Partnership
To support the Generation Next program, with a focus on building the economic stability of girls through leadership, mentorship, skill-building, and financial literacy
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Violence Intervention Project
Thief River Falls
To recruit young women and youth ages 12 to 18 in a five-county service area to create awareness and develop strategies to reduce violence and exploitation in schools and communities, and support young women to find and share their voices as they build their sense of agency and power.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Way to Grow
To support the DreamTracks™ teen parenting program, working with teen parents and their extended families to break the cycle of teen pregnancy and poverty to move teens toward self-sufficiency.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
Women for Political Change Education Fund
To facilitate YWI Network convenings for Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota program participants and to facilitate the YWI Network pop-up events, open to all young women and trans and non-binary individuals for networking, professional development, and movement building.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities
To support the Teen Outreach Program (TOP) club programming for youth, ages 12-18, which includes teen pregnancy prevention.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
YWCA of Minneapolis
To support Contact Plus, a high-quality youth development program, offering comprehensive sexual health education, leadership development, and school connectedness to youth in Minneapolis Public Schools.
Ripley Memorial Foundation
To support talking circles in the White Earth area that will teach financial literacy through a book/learning materials business.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
The Best Academy
To support SISTER Academy, an all-girls education and enrichment program for grades 5-8 designed to build, nurture, and strengthen academic, moral, and social development in preparation for a successful transition into high school, college, and career
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
B.R.A.V.E Foundation
St. Paul
To support young Somali women in college preparation and peer mentorship through Shaax iyo Sheeko (Tea and Talk), a space to connect and talk about career planning, healthy relationships, wellness, and healing.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Breaking Free
St. Paul
To support the development and implementation of a statewide conference on the topic of sex trafficking for service providers, professionals, community members, and direct-service organizations.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
Casa de Esperanza
St. Paul
To build the expertise and leadership capacity of Family Advocacy staff and collaborating partners in the field by building cultural competency about trafficking in the Latin@ community and supporting community-driven solutions.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
Casa de Esperanza
St. Paul
To build capacity for Casa’s primary initiative for girls and young women, Fuerza Unida Amig@s, which celebrates the cultural identity and develops the leadership skills of young Latinas. Casa trains new cohorts of girls to become Amig@s (peer leaders) through an intensive two-week culturally based leadership training curriculum that teaches participants to identify and create healthy relationships and live free from violence. After the training, Amig@s meet weekly throughout the school year to expand learning and discuss topics important to their wellbeing. Participants plan and implement community action projects to share their knowledge with peers, families, and communities, incorporating financial literacy education and career exploration.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Centro Tyrone Guzman
To support Jóvenes Latinas al Poder, a Latina leadership training program to advocate for justice, inclusion, and equity in the Twin Cities.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio, Inc.
St. Paul
To support Jóvenes en Acción – ¡YA! Program (Youth in Action), a holistic, culturally appropriate leadership development and college access preparation program.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Dakota Wicohan
To support the year-round Dakota Youth Leadership Program, which connects Dakota youth to their community and helps prepare them to contribute academically, economically, socially, and culturally.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Girl Scouts – Dakota Horizons
Sioux Falls
To support hands-on learning with a focus on life skills, STEM (science, technology, science, and engineering), the outdoors, and financial literacy.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys
Minneapolis & Southeastern Minnesota
To build capacity and new components of the Connect Z program in Minneapolis, Rochester, Worthington, and Austin. ConnectZ’s culturally-responsive leadership program engages 2,700 girls a year in diverse and low-income communities in the Twin Cities area and southern Minnesota. ConnectZ programming encompasses health and wellness, citizenship and advocacy, financial education and entrepreneurship, STEM, leadership and mentorship, and college and career readiness.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
HAP (Hmong American Partnership)
St. Paul
To strengthen existing programming by and for underrepresented cultural communities, which will increase organizational capacity to have a stronger leadership role in the movement to end sex trafficking.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
Honor the Earth
Callaway, White Earth Nation
To work with young women on projects to reindigenize the local economy and to develop needed financial and political resources for the survival of sustainable Native communities. Project paths to empowerment and self-sufficiency include redevelopment of Native arts, such as a training and hiring local artists to paint several murals throughout the Pine Point community and beyond; harvesting, processing, and selling indigenous foods, such as wild rice and maple syrup; and working to build community energy independence through weatherization, solarization, and long-range energy planning in order to provide family-sustaining local jobs, while addressing extreme energy poverty.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Hmong American Partnership (HAP)
St. Paul
To support the needs of a new generation of Hmong girls and women with group mentoring, and an internship program that includes stipends, financial literacy training, and career exploration.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Kwanzaa Community Church, PCUSA
To support the 21st Century Academy, which provides quality learning and mentoring, developmentally appropriate activities, and leadership development for girls. The program emphasizes reading, writing, math, and technology.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
To support culturally appropriate employment preparation, sexuality and AIDS education, mentoring, and academic achievement training for African immigrant girls in programming that includes family and other caring adults.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
The Link
To provide leadership and development training to existing and emerging leaders within The Link, including staff survivors and youth survivors. The Link will increase its leadership by convening organizations in the anti-trafficking movement.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
The Link
To support the career and leadership development program to increase girls’ leadership skills, provide mentoring partnerships, and prepare them for paid internship opportunities.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Kwanzaa Community Church, PCUSA
To expand the Northside Healing Space, formerly the Northside Women’s Space. The space was founded as a place for women to heal from commercial sexual exploitation. As expansion is considered, the community is encouraged to help heal trauma in the community at large.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
Men As Peacemakers
To build upon the Don’t Buy It Project (DBIP) to create and pilot curricula specifically designed for and with Native communities, in partnership with the Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition, the leading national experts in tribal technical assistance. Men As Peacemakers will support tribal communities through the DBIP curricula as they build leadership in preventing sex trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
MIGIZI Communications, Inc.
To increase the number of young women served by programming, creating access for young women to participate in paid internships in living wage jobs and careers. The Native Visions programming trains youth in the indigenized version of mind/body medicine that uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health and help people of all ages cope with historical and current trauma through the integration of Native healing medicines and practices. Youth women also participate and lead First Person Productions, MIGIZI’s social media enterprise that provides new media training and production that builds pathways to career in media production.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center
To support street outreach to youth with additional staff, and to provide technical assistance and community education about urban Native American sexually exploited youth to services providers and other audiences throughout Minnesota.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
MN Urban Debate League, Augsburg University
To build capacity for current and new programming to work with young women through Minnesota debate and advocacy workshops and Spanish language and Somali cultural debate programs. New activities for MN Urban Debate League include presenting post-secondary education opportunities to undocumented or DACA recipients and piloting financial literacy debates with girls and gender nonconforming students.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
St. Paul Youth Services
St. Paul
To grow the capacity for St. Paul Youth Services and its YouthPower initiative. As a youth-led organizing and advocacy hub, YouthPower is a space where Black girls are centered and participate in a curriculum focused on identity, culture, healing, history, personal power, and goal setting. The content enhances their personal growth and identity, shapes their narratives, and informs their strategies for political and community change.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Men as Peacemakers
To support the Girls Restorative Program (GRP) in expanding leadership opportunities and skill-building through education and career preparation.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Neighborhood House
St. Paul
To support the Gang Reduction and Intervention Program (GRIP) and the Girls Realizing Our Worth 2.0 (GROW 2.0) group in preparing young women for economic readiness and financial stability through training in confidence, cultural awareness, critical thinking, and life skills.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
OutFront Minnesota
To grow the capacity for the Gay Straight Alliance Network, which includes 150 middle and high schools, and the Anti-Violence Program to end violence and harassment against and within LGBTQ communities in the metro and across the state. In the effort to make Minnesota a place where all people are valued, OutFront engages in community education, direct service, organizing, and policy advocacy and provides a 24-hour crisis line for survivors of violence.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Navigate MN
To build capacity of the Poder (Power) Fellowship, a paid leadership development program that provides organizing tools for individuals challenged by the immigration and education system. Participants of the program receive community organizing training in different disciplines and ideologies, including systems change and decentralized movement building. Participants will develop critical thinking and analytical skills in the areas of race, class, and gender so they may develop campaigns and community- based, women-led solutions.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
OutFront Minnesota
To support a youth-led, statewide Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) network, which will support adult advisors of GSAs and LGBTQ+ youth; train and support Minnesota educators to create inclusive school environments; and advocate for public policies and practices that affirm and support LGBTQ+ students
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Peacemaker Resources
To support the Girls Lead on the Go program, which includes communitybased leadership development to build community and advocate for change
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
PACER Center
To empower middle school girls with disabilities in the fields of math, science, and engineering through hands-on learning led by community partners in the EX.I.T.E. (EXploring Interests in Technology and Engineering) program, a division of PACER’s Simon Technology Center.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Project FINE
To support economic development and education for youth from refugee and immigrant families through the Girls Reaching Above and Beyond (GRAB) program.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
Power of the People Leadership Institute
To build capacity for career coaching, workplace tours, and college preparation for Girls in Action – an academic, leadership, and behavioral intervention program for lowperforming students in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chaska, Fridley, Robbinsdale, and Brooklyn Center. The Power of People Leadership Institute (POPLI) is a grassroots, community-based organization that was created to respond to two critical needs in communities of color.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Range Engineering Council
To support #EngineerLikeAGirl, a girl-led, overnight awareness and mentorship program with a series of outreach events, including job shadowing and Engineering Mentor Night.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
The Advocates for Human Rights
Minneapolis & Greater Minnesota
General operating support to update the 2008 Sex Trafficking Needs Assessment in order to develop legislative and policy recommendations in line with updates to Minnesota’s anti-trafficking systems, including a focus on the overlap of labor trafficking of women and girls.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
The ANIKA Foundation
To support the organization’s cosmetology program that offers technical skills including leadership development and access to resources and tools that increase the knowledge base of participants
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
The SEAD (Southeast Asian Diaspora Development) Project
To build capacity as an accessible community hub that provides streamlined cross-cultural workshops, exchanges, and knowledge-sharing for the Khmer, Hmong, Lao, and Vietnamese diaspora communities. The SEAD Project engages young women in storytelling workshops and mentorship with the belief that understanding of identity, roots, and language increases overall economic wellbeing.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
To support Crack the Code: Summer Technology Camp and Shape the Future: Inspire and Nurture Her. Both programs provide girls in northeastern Minnesota with one-on-one mentoring and technology education from industry professionals.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
To support year-round, skills-based programs for middle and high school young women designed to inspire, engage, and equip young women in their communities with leadership traits, computational thinking skills, and an entrepreneurial mindset. The program provides opportunities for young women to learn from female professionals through coding, design, web development, and robotics projects. The program engages young women through a leadership council, and will increase capacity through mentoring, leadership opportunities, and out-of-school tutoring.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
United Community Action Partnership
To support Generation Next program, with a focus on building the economic stability of girls through leadership, mentorship, skill-building, and financial literacy.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
YWCA of Duluth
To support the Girl Power! program, which helps girls build self-esteem with the support of positive adult role models.
girlsBuildingEconomicSuccessTogether (girlsBEST)
unPrison Project
Minneapolis & Greater Minnesota
To support a comprehensive plan that spans three focus areas: policy work, implementing a mentorship program that creates leadership opportunities for women in prison, and strengthening unPrison’s organizational infrastructure.
MN Girls Are Not For Sale
Violence Intervention Project, Inc.
Thief River Falls
This planning grant supports young women’s engagement in program development. Violence Intervention Project’s mission is to support community members impacted by sexual and domestic violence, ensuring clients’ safety, and personal goal-setting to achieve self-reliance and independence.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
WFMN Innovators
To support the leadership, ideas, and solutions of young women of color, American Indian young women, young women from Greater Minnesota, LGBTQ+ youth, and young women with disabilities to advance key recommendations in the Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN) Blueprint for Action.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
Women Organizing Women Network
To address Somali women’s underrepresentation in public and leadership, grow the Dumar (Women) Leadership Model and engage younger generations of first- and secondgeneration East African immigrant women as civic and political leaders in their communities through leadership training.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
YWCA of Minneapolis
To support EUREKA!, a 5-year program for students in grades 8 to 12 focused on STEM activities, leadership development through internships, and connecting young women to female STEM professionals. Topics include STEM activities, leadership development, economic literacy, and comprehensive sexual health, including healthy relationships, and positive decision-making and communication skills.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)
YWCA of St. Paul
St. Paul
To build on the strength of the Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN), YWCA St. Paul provides leadership development support and programming facilitation to Young Women’s Cabinet members and $15/hour payment to all 25 Cabinet members to compensate them for their participation.
Young Women's Initiative of Minnesota (YWI MN)