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Become a Partner

Invest in Your Community & Build Your Legacy

A gift to the Women’s Foundation helps create a world of opportunity where women, girls, and gender-expansive people have the power to create and lead safe, prosperous lives.

Join Our Circle of Giving

Our donor-partners are recognized for their generosity and the impact of their gifts to the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota. We are grateful and honored to acknowledge the generosity and commitment to all of our giving circle members.

1983 Society

The 1983 Society recognizes loyal consecutive donors of five years and more.

Leadership Circle

Become a partner and a leader for gender and racial equity with an annual gift of $1,000 or more.

Legacy Giving

Your legacy lives on for generations when you make a planned gift.

Ways to Give

When you make a gift to the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota, you join our mission to achieve equity and justice for all women and girls in our state, community by community.

Explore below the different ways you can give.

Donor Advised Funds

Build your philanthropic wealth with a charitable savings account. Contributions are tax-deductible in the year the donor transfers money into the donor advised funds.

Gifts of Stock

Donors can support our work through a gift of stock or other assets. Making a stock gift may increase the impact of your gift and has potential tax advantages.

Corporate & Workplace Giving

Maximize your impact with a generous sponsorship, workplace giving, or matching gift.

Online Donations

Your gift funds investment in research, grantmaking, and policy to drive systems change for gender and racial justice in Minnesota.

Check out these donor stories

“As a member of the Board of Trustees and a donor, I see myself not only as a partner, but also a champion to increase equity for women and girls.”

Roderic Southhall
Men of Courage Circle Co-chair; Past WFM Trustee;
Equal Opportunity Consultant & Trainer, Metropolitan Council

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