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We Thrive

An economic justice funding program

Women, girls, and gender-expansive people thrive with unrestricted pathways to bright and stable futures for themselves, their families, and future generations. Through We Thrive, WFM funds educational programs in workforce development, and entrepreneurship as pathways to wealth-building.

We Thrive Invests in:


  • Growing women’s access to education in high-wage, high-demand fields for young women and gender-expansive people
  • Community and technical colleges with training programs in Greater and rural Minnesota and for Black, Indigenous, and women of color underrepresented in STEM fields
  • Programs include recruitment and outreach to high schools and wraparound services including childcare, financial literacy, and transportation


  • Developing women and gender-expansive business leaders
  • Partnership with Neighborhood Development Center (NDC) to provide critical resources for women and gender-expansive entrepreneurs through one-on-one coaching and cohort support for Black and Latina women in Minneapolis and St. Paul

Policy and advocacy

  • Family supporting wages and benefits, including Paid Family & Medical Leave
  • Affordable, high-quality child care, including reimbursements
  • Access to comprehensive health care

Grantmaking & Grantee-Partners

Through We Thrive, the Women’s Foundation funds educational programs in workforce development, and entrepreneurship as pathways to wealth-building for low-income women, Black, Indigenous, and women of color, and women and gender-expansive people in greater Minnesota. With community investments, We Thrive will increase access to education in high-wage jobs with benefits and supports for future entrepreneurs.

Building off success in girlsBEST and the Innovators program to support young women and girls in STEAM (science, technology, entrepreneurship, arts, and mathematics), We Thrive seeds, nurtures, and champions solutions for economic justice.

Meet our statewide grantee-partners

Apply by Invitation

Applications are invitation only. For more information and eligibility, schedule a time to meet with us through community office hours.

Spotlights & Updates